Senior specialist, ESG data and reporting, Helsinki

WE ARE LOOKING FOR Senior specialist, ESG data and reporting Position TO JOIN OUR TEAM OF VALIO PEOPLE  

At Valio, people have always looked forward. Today, we are Finland’s leading dairy and food company and Finland’s biggest exporter of food products. We encourage our people to experiment and learn, and we are proud of our warm and supporting company culture. Committed and capable Valio people are our most important competitive advantage and thus at the core of our strategy. We at Valio believe that a future-proof food system combines different forms of food production, some of which already exist, and some are only at a research stage. 

We are looking for Senior specialist, ESG data and reporting for a permanent position to raise Valio’s ESG data management to a next level and coordinate Valio’s sustainability reporting process.

You will be part of Valio’s sustainability team leading and coordinating Valio’s sustainability work and reporting. You will work and have support from a wide and competent network of Valio’s ESG professionals. You will collaborate closely with several internal functions such as finance, sourcing, production, and HR throughout Valio Group as well as external stakeholders supporting Valio’s sustainability reporting process.

Your key responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating the reporting and verification process of Valio Group Sustainability Statement in compliance with CSRD/ ESRS and taxonomy requirements.
  • Following reporting related changes and instructions, interpreting reporting requirements and calculation principles.
  • Upkeeping reporting and verification instructions. 
  • Collecting and managing data from various internal sources and ensuring data accuracy.
  • Training and supporting Valio’s functions and country subsidiaries in ESG data management and reporting. 
  • Implementing new technical ESG data management and reporting solutions.
  • Maintaining and reporting ESG performance to support business needs and ESG ratings (e.g. EcoVadis)

You are the person we are looking for, if you have:

  • Strong experience and track record on sustainability reporting (e.g. GRI, TCFD) and knowledge on CSRD/ ESRS requirements. 
  • Understanding on sustainability reporting verification processes or auditing principles. 
  • Experience on environmental data reporting and calculations (GHG emissions, LCA etc.).
  • Good project management and process development skills. Implementing IT system solutions is beneficial.
  • Clear written and spoken communication and influencing skills both in Finnish and English.
  • Independent, systematic, and solution-oriented way of working and enjoy collaborating and helping others. 

We work in a hybrid model that takes into account the employee and team’s wishes for office and remote work (approximately 2 days in a week, in the office). The office location is in Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki.

We all share the same passion working at Valio: together we make life better. We invest in people-centered leadership, and the development of team collaboration. We want every Valio employee to have a clear understanding of their own job and goals, and the opportunity to influence their own work and expertise. You will also have access to the benefits of a large, renowned Finnish food company.

For more information, please contact to Mervi Turunen, Sustainability manager (+358 50 398 7447) 17.9.2024 between 15.30-16.30 or 24.9.2024 between 10.00-11.00. 

We are eagerly waiting for you to join us. Please send your application by 30.9.2024 via application link.

Hakuaika alkaa: 11.09.2024 09:00Hakuaika päättyy: 30.09.2024 23:59
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